Lindsey & Dylan

Saturday, October 19, 2024 • Holly, MI

Lindsey & Dylan

Saturday, October 19, 2024 • Holly, MI

Our Story

Our story! (His and Her perspective!)

Picture of Our story! (His and Her perspective!)

We met at Utica high when I(Lindsey) was a sophomore and Dylan was a Junior, in our theatre department's musical auditions. It might sound cheesy but right away I knew that this teenage guy that was standing right in front of me showing me and texting me memes almost on the daily, that he was placed in my life for a reason. He became one of the closest people in my life, someone who accepted me for me. Fast forward to my senior year and his Freshman year at MSU we finally made it official! At first, We weren't sure where our future would take us, but I knew right away that God put Dylan in my life for a reason and he hand picked the perfect man to spend the rest of my life with! Dylan keeps me grounded in many ways he literally is the calm to my storm. He is my life companion and best friend, There is no one else I would rather go through this life journey together with and grow old and gray together!

XO, Linds

His perspective

I remember being in the auditorium of Utica High School my junior year waiting to audition for my first acting role ever. I was never interested in theatre until I started seeing my friends actively a part of the program my sophomore year. After a year of doing lighting tech, I finally gave into the peer pressure to audition for the spring musical. So I'm sitting in the audience and this blonde girl walks up onstage and says her name is Lindsey Berg. See, at the time my last name was Burg, and hearing what seemed to be my last name while referring to someone that wasn't related to me was definitely a first for myself. We get to talking and immediately she's one of the nicest people I've met in my life. The longer I got to know her, the more of her incredible personality was shown to me, and I knew that regardless of where we ended up after high school, I wanted to have her in my life in some capacity. I never thought we would ever be more than friends until after I graduated and we started having longer and deeper conversations. I was wary about dating in general at the time, but Linds understood and accepted my worries and we decided to give things a try. Little did I know it would be a decision to change my life for the better in so many ways. Throughout the years, I've learned so much about myself because of Linds, and she is the reason I am where I am today. I didn't know how much I needed someone like her in my life until I was blessed with her, and now there's no going back for me. I have found my soulmate, my love, and my better half. I can't wait to unravel our future together and embrace every step of the journey.
